Sep 22, 2021 | Parenting, Parenting Boys, Parenting Girls, Tangara School for Girls, Wellbeing
when mayPhoto by Amanda Jones on Unsplash When was the last time you realised you were grateful for the life that you are living? Take a moment and in your mind thank all the people in your life, and appreciate them. Did this boost your mood? If so why not try and...
Sep 15, 2021 | Character Development, Parenting, Tangara School for Girls, Technology, Teenagers
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash When we are little we aren’t allowed to cross the road on our own. We must learn Of the possible dangers first. So why aren’t we viewing online technology the same? Children are more exposed to online risks than ever before. You need...
Sep 8, 2021 | Character Development, Parenting, Redfield College, Teenagers
Photo by jesse orrico on Unsplash From time to time you’ve probably wondered why your teenager tends to act so impulsive. As you read on you will not just understand more about your teenagers brain, you will also learn about your own brain and why you have formed...
Sep 1, 2021 | Character Development, Parent-Teacher Partnership, Parenting, Parenting Boys, Redfield College, Teenagers, Wellbeing
bPhoto by Mark Zamora on Unsplash Having a conversation with your son about pornography may sound daunting, awkward and something you would rather delay doing. That’s why four dads are weighing on the topic about when and how to talk about porn with your child....
Aug 25, 2021 | Character Development, Innovative Teaching, Parent-Teacher Partnership, Parenting, Redfield College, Teaching Boys
Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash School mentoring programs are fantastic. Growing up from K-12 with your very own mentor is a luxury that not every school will have. But how can you make the most out of your school mentoring system? 1. Staying On the Same Page There...