an academy for parents and educators
Pared AcademyTeenSTAR Training 2025
Calling all parents, educators and those working with young people to join us on this 4 day training!
Providing concrete insights for parents and educators to help children thrive today.
The Pared Academy is a group of experienced educators within Pared Foundation.
Our role is to collaborate with parents and teachers, identifying the real challenges in raising children today, and coming up with innovative and effective solutions for them.
We source the best and most current research, together with the wisdom of experience, in order to provide resources for parents and educators of the Pared schools and the broader community.
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Collaborating with parents and educators to help children achieve their personal best, so they can serve others and make a positive impact on society.
Pared Academy provides endorsed professional development for teachers and sources the best in research and educational resources for parents and staff of the Pared schools as well as the broader community.
As a leading body in character education and development, Pared Academy seeks to serve all parents, schools and educators who value an integrated vision of education, which seeks to develop all aspects of the person: mind, heart and will.
Teaching students about healthy relationships, love and sexuality from an early age is one such way that we support parents’ role to educate their children in the area of human sexuality.
Building on the Pared Schools’ innovation in Australian education, the Pared Academy continues to research the most effective and innovative education methodologies to meet the ever-changing challenges of schooling and parenting in Australia. Healthy relationships and sexuality are vital areas of personal development for students and the Academy brings the best and latest internationally-developed programs for our students and their families.
Alongside the Pared schools’ unique 1 to 1 mentoring system for each student, the following programs seek to continue providing parents with the strongest support to build healthy and happy families.
For infants and primary school students
TOBET assists parents in forming their children through a deeper understanding of the human body.
This program consists of a series of lessons throughout the year consisting of both classroom-based and home activities. The program content is offered in books that address different aspects of sexuality in an age-appropriate manner from Kindergarten – Y3. This a widely-acclaimed course based on the Theology of the Body.
For senior secondary school students
This internationally acclaimed program was introduced to teach teenagers about the value of their sexuality and responsibility in this area.
The TEENSTAR course instils in students:
- responsible decision-making
- critical thinking
- enhancing self-awareness; and
- self-esteem
This new approach to sexuality education focuses on the person as a whole, taking into consideration its five dimensions (physical, emotional, intellectual, social and spiritual). The approach also focuses on the young person as an individual in a particular moment of their lives, not just the external challenges they are facing.
TeenSTAR Training 2025
Calling all parents, educators and those working with young people to join us on this 4 day training!
Pared Academy News
Pay Cheque with a Purpose with Alexandre Havard
Starting the New Year with Purpose The Concourse, Chatswood, buzzed as a diverse crowd gathered for 'Pay Cheque with a Purpose'. The event,...
Empowering Parents, Faculty & Staff at Pared Academy
Recently, we hosted various sessions led by Dr Karen Bohlin (Director of the Practical Wisdom Project and former Principal of Montrose School)...
Building Character Strengths Course 2023
While parents are the primary educators of their children, teachers and mentors also play a vital role in students’ character development. Before...
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